Here at The Shrewsbury Club, we have a variety of different tennis programs for adults. From the very beginner to those more advanced looking for some competitive play, we have what you’re looking for!

Adult Tennis Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in our Adult Tennis program at The Shrewsbury Club. Please fill out the form below to request information on our clinics, teams, socials and private lessons for adults.

    (W) = Women’s Class
    (P) = Team Practice

    *Please scroll to bottom of page for our Adult Tennis Programming Policies.


    Fall 1: Sept 9 – Oct 13

    Fall 2: Oct 28 – Dec 7

    Weekly Beginner Clinic (2.0)

    This will teach very basic shot technique, as well as court movement. This clinic is about practicing the basics of tennis in a fun environment with others of your skill level.

    10/31 – 12/5

    6 Weeks, 1x per week
    Member – $180
    Non-Member – $240

    Register Here

    Weekly Intermediate Clinic 1 (2.5 – 3.0)

    For players who have some tennis experience, this class will focus on game-like situations as well as brush up on stroke work. This will be less technical work, and more focused on live ball hitting.
    Must be able to rally and serve to be in this class.

    10/28 – 12/2

    6 Weeks, 1x per week
    Member – $180
    Non-Member – $240

    Register Here

    Weekly Intermediate Clinic 2 (2.5 – 3.0)

    For players who have some tennis experience, this class will focus on game-like situations as well as brush up on stroke work. This will be less technical work, and more focused on live ball hitting.
    Must be able to rally and serve to be in this class.

    11/1 – 12/7

    6 Weeks, 1x per week
    Member – $180
    Non-Member – $240

    Weekly Advanced Clinic (3.0 – 4.0)

    This class is a high intensity clinic that will focus on point construction, strokes, strategy, & tactics.

    10/29 – 12/3

    6 Weeks, 1x per week
    Member – $180
    Non-Member – $240

    Round Robin (2.5+)

    Our co-ed Round Robin is designed for players who have experience with the game and are looking for match play.
    The setup consists of two, 45 minute matches per session.

    Member – $18
    Non-Member – $20

    All weekly clinics require a minimum of 3 participants to run.
    Men’s Night and Round Robin both require a minimum of 4 players to run.
    Please email for more information.

    Tennis Leagues:

    CMITA Women’s League*

    DBH Women’s League*

    Practice runs on Tuesdays from 9:30am – 11:00am.
    Matches run on Thursdays starting at 9:00am.
    DBH Division 4 Teams

    USTA League*

    USTA Spring League matches are currently TBD.
    Women Level 3.0
    Men Level 4.0
    Co-ed Aged 55+

    * Please contact if interested in league play.

    Approval by a Tennis Pro is required for potential league players.

    Group Adult Tennis Programming Policies

    All clinics require a minimum of 3 participants to run. If there is not sufficient enrollment, semi-private lessons or private lessons are available.

    We will make every effort to provide make-ups for any classes canceled due to circumstances beyond our control, e.g. weather. Make-ups will be scheduled at or near the end of a session or during a school vacation week.

    No refunds will be given if you fail to attend or are unable to attend a scheduled make-up.

    Only classes canceled by the Club will have make-ups. Make-ups will not be provided when a class is missed due to illness or a conflicting schedule.